Aremthg, the creature of nigthmares
Something mysterious began to happen, rumors were being spread all over the world.
All human beings, when they sleep, dream, create their own universe, their own characters, their own adventures.
But occasionally, nightmares take over of those dreams. Strangely, the nightmares began to be more frequent over the villages. People were realizing that not only them, were having more nightmares than usual.
Magicians and theorists from all continents were investigating what was happening. Many reached many conclusions, but one was much more real than all the others. Something strange happened, a new vortex had been created, no one knew how or why, but it was created with malicious intent.
The vortex opened entrance to a being that began to alter people's dreams. It was "Aremthg", the monster of nightmares. Everything began to worsen, there were rumors, children died, like a couple of adults. A few months later, they found bodies corroded by unknown liquids.
The nightmares escaped from fiction to fit reality. Warriors and adventurers began to delve into the topic and ventured to find the demon. Many claimed to have seen the monster near them, hovering. That was the news of one Peter Etherwald, apparently the man would have found the vortex and Aremthg trail. Companions of the man, including Nordenskjold Ewalkt started and search and found it.
An epic battle was delivered near a farm causing the destroying of much of the town and the establishment. Many people died, but fortunately Etherwald succeeded in weakening the monster and return it to the vortex, in the end they managed to close it.
Although the demon hasno t returned, people are still seeing shadows of what appears to be the remains of the creature.
- Frank Nordensjkold