Description from original post
(created 2013-08-14 15:49):
The Boss of the WalrusCo, his name is Bossy Joel. The name comes from his bossy voice, like "OI' WHAT YO DOIN' IN MY TOILET ?" he scares alot of the pepole in Waltown, and the only thing he makes is Toilet paper and toilet, but still, the biggest company in Waltown, but he wasen't always a baws, when he was young he was really cute N' Nice, he made pepole in every age laugh, but how did he became so MAD ? well, his dream was never to become the big master of toilet paper and toilets.. his dad worked there and he told him everytime "Son, when you grow up you will be the leader of the WalrusCo." but he never wanted to be the boss of toilet, and when he got older he wanted to be a boxing master.. but he never became one, and the only job that he got in his hands was his dads job.. And that's the story off his angry face, that never changed after that day. and he never got married, and he never became the boxer he wanted to be.. he became the Bossy Joel.
I worked really hard on it, and i am hoping it will become a pop-reel, who knows, actully this skin started out as a normal boss but when i saw the new skin contest, and just after some few minutes i re-created it in to a Bossy Walrus, i'm so proud of my self, hope it will get big.