Description from original post
(created 2013-05-14 21:31):
Yo, Awesomes!
Serious mode: Activated
Reader, I must warn you. The story you are about to hear is very odd and gruesome, and there is slight blood. Please, enjoy the story of Cassidy Winds who believed she could survive the harsh Arctic cold.
Cassidy Winds was only a young middle schooler when she decided to run far from her home in the Arctic. Not perfectly dressed, she set out on an adventure.
"It's so cold," Cassidy Winds, the runaway middle school student mumbled to herself, "I wonder if I'll see any bears!" Although her sprits weren't fully raised, Cassidy was having a good time. She remembered how poorly dressed she was as she looked down at her white, short-sleeved shirt and short jeans. " Woah, my fingers are numb, do I have frostbite?" She asked herself. And as if the ghost of winter had stabbed her in the back (Which it literally did), Cassidy fell to the ground. It was getting harder to breathe, and every part of her body was slowly and painfully being cut off by an invisible knife, and she was dripping invisible blood. Breathing heavily, she screamed, "Mom! Dad! HELP ME!" And collapsed without a sound on the soft, white snow.
Several days later, a search team looked for poor, cold, dead, Cassidy Winds. They never found her body, but found a passage, most likely written hours before she died. As the detective of this case, I suppose I shall type it up.
December 23, 1986
Hello again, Journal. It is me, Cassidy. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and I will be spending it somewhere else. I am getting colder, but hope keeps me warm. Another problem is I'm going insane. I have my cutting knife still with me. I wonder what I will do with it...
*Blood Drop*
I do not care. I have no one to stop me.. right, journal?
*Larger blood drop*
Journal, why aren't you answering me? Are you scared? Please, don't be afraid, I might just cut
*Page is torn through the middle*
jOuRnaL DiDn'T aWnSer ME.
Serious Mode: Off
Alright, that was Cassidy Winds. I hope you enjoyed! >V<
This is a skin of Cassidy Winds (Ghost of the Arctic), if you would like, go ahead and download! If you like, leave a diamond! If you think I'm the ultimate-super-awesome-skinner-blogger-girl, go ahead and subscribe!
Love you, Awesomes!
NOTE: Due to not demand, but a kind argument, I've changed my subs names to "Awesomes".