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(created 2013-02-13 05:48):
Thank you for viewing my skin.
So for the medieval skin contest I was wondering who I should make, then I realised that I shouldn't be thinking who, but what and then my idea for a castle was born. It was quite difficult to make as I have very little skinning experience and, to my understanding, nobody has posted a castle skin on the internet so I am pretty much in uncharted territory in terms of skinning.
How to shade it also posed a problem as I wasn't making a person or an animal but a building, a building that is generally not person-shaped, so I want to thank pretty much everyone who ever made a skinning tutorial on PMC, as my attempt at shading would have been way more horrible without all of them.
Anyway, time for a historically accurate backstory:
Once upon a time there was an ugly castle. It wanted to become a person, so it magically lifted its towers into arm like positions and became a person.
The End.
Well that may not have been as accurate as I imagined it would be...
Ok I had to write that in about 2-3 mins so now for legit castle facts.
- Castles were built for defense
- Some defensive features of castles include: Moats, Ramparts (steep walls of earth/rubble that any would-be attacker would need to climb to get to the actual wall), Battlements (those things that stick out at the top of the wall, like the ones on the head of my skin) and others
- Castle staircases always turned clockwise in order to force a right-handed swordsman to reveal his whole body to attack an opponent above him on the stairs.
- Early castles were made of wood.
My castle would have been made because a Lord needed a protective fortress, so he built the best castle in the world, my skin. It had tall towers, to allow defenders relative safety and battlements, as all castles should. The castle was so well built and fortified by Lord Falconblade that all attackers were defeated. Then one day the lord's descendant decided to make the castle into a Minecraft skin.
I want to thank you for looking at my skin and any diamonds, downloads and favourites you may give me. Also feedback is very much appreciated.
Thanks everyone for 16 diamonds! I never thought I would make it to 5, you guys are awesome!