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(created 2013-06-20 13:33):
The name of this frozen goddess is Coventina, meaning "Water goddess". Here is how she came about;
A young girl, in her early teens, was forbidden to venture out past the seas of Gardash, folk tales speaking of various sea monsters and sirens had been spread, and her father took this seriously, threatening her that if she left to go there, she may never step foot in his house again.
The temptation of adventure was urging her to leave, to explore these unknown depths, but she was loyal to her father, and obeyed his every rule. But still, no matter how much she tried to follow rules, she still wanted to go see what everyone was talking of.
One silent morn, when the whole village was soundly snoozing, she crept out of the safeness of her house, and started her trek to the seas of Gardash. On her arrival, a storm rose up from the dashing white horses of the waves, coming at her at a top speed. There was clearly no escape...
It is now told among the village that a girl was brave to step outside the boundaries, show braveness and courage. Had the qualities of a hero, of a god, even. Travelers come and go, hearing tales of that one girl sinking to the deepest part of the sea, but not drowning, living. Saving all passers by from the horrors that behold them further out ashore. She was a goddess now, and her name Coventina.
(This story isn't written to the best of my ability, but I hope it helps you know part of this made up characters background story :3)