Description from original post
(created 2013-05-19 12:51):
Hello guys, _Soda here. With my contest skin. Corvo, the Hand of the North.
Complete with rushed Concept art, and lore.
"Corvo was always a curious child, born with the amence knowlage. His Mother, Ceril, loved him very much. While his father
Lucian was busy ruling his kingdom, Orenia. By the time he was 13, his mother had came very ill. He was always alone.
With no father to care for him. He was on his own for the first time. After Four years of being alone, his mother finally passed.
His father barely noticed. He sent someone in his place for the funeral. Corvo was devastated, and steaming at his father.
He confronted him that night. Told him how selfish he was. His father wouldn't stand for it. He told Corvo he was banished from his kingdom.
He didn't believe it. He went to sleep as usual, but woke up with guards at his bedside. Telling him he had five minutes to pack.
Then to leave. As he was finishing up, he was greeted by his father's smug smile at the door. He went on ignoring him.
He went through the city gate for what he thought was the last time. Grazing back at all of the people watching.

He continued
on his walk of shame out of city territory. Walking for hours until night had fallen. He needed a place to rest. He scowered the icy tundra
for a decent resting place.

He came along a cave, which was glowing with forbiddeness. He went against his better judgement, and decided
to rest there for the night. When he awoke the exit of had caved in. He had no way out. He could only go deeper into the cave, looking for
a way out. He came upon a room. Which was glowing bright blue, blinding him as he entered. In the middle lied a giant glowing gem.

He went further to inspect it. Still glowing as bright as day. He slowly reached his hand forward, finally touching the gem.
His body went numb, he couldn't feel or see anything. All he saw was blue, he passed out from the blast. Reawaking a few days later.
When he did he felt a presence with him. He felt like something was with him. He shook his hand in front of his face, trying to awake
from this dream. But then he felt a great sensation coming from within him. He felt cold, icy cold. He thought he was freezing to death.
He put his hands together to get warm. He quickly realized they had turn to ice, without thinking he lunged his hand towards the caved in exit.
A giant stream of ice flew from his hand. destroying the cave in. He knew with his new abilities. He could take his rightful place as the
lord of Orenia.'

Alts here!
Prince Corvo

Warrior Corvo

Lucian and Ceril skins coming soon.