The Nh492 was long ago, a planet, where people lived and enjoyed their lives. But suddenly, something happened, at October 29th 2852, and everything was destroyed from one day to another. The planet collapsed, all human beings died.
After many scientific studies, investigators arrived to a conclusion. Someone or something threw a missile that day with a deadly substance. This one killed everything.
Later on, many legends came over the accident, but only one was a real. And this one was about a man, called Czie, probably the only human being to survive the attack. No one knows how, but he survived. He got some of the toxic substance in his body that actually gave him pain and suffering.
The legend says that his main task in life is to require the information of the substance that destroyed his family, his friends, and his life.
Who did it? Why? How?
The thing is heo s now a legend, a symbol of survival and strength.