Description from original post
(created 2013-10-18 17:12):
"Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Dapper Hudson and I-"
"Oh Sweet Mother Mary, it's a purple skeleton! RUUUUUUUN!"
"Everybody please! I'm too dapper and gentlemanly to want to attack you. After all, my name is Dapper Hudson, is not not?"
"Heeeey, he's right!!!"
"Look at his awesome suit!"
"Wow. Such dapper. so suit. wow."
"Marry me, Hudson!"
"Oooookay, then."
(Will write a better story later. Ima too lazy at the moment to do much writing."
So I decided to make a skin a few days ago. I had no idea really what to make at the time. It was only until I watched Nightmare Before Christmas for the fifty-millionth time that I got the idea for Dapper Hudson (Jack Skellington you dapper undead corpse, you). I had been wanting to practice with purple shades as well, so it was fun to pick the palette for this skin. Enjoy!
As usual, the palette is still on the skin. Feel free to use it at your discretion ;)
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