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(created 2013-05-07 08:54):
Hello, Fanjawi here with a new skin! This is a skin I made for SOOACI's "What's In The Dark" contest, hosted by SleepySheep.
I hope you like it!! :D
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If you did any of the above, I just want to say thank you! :D
Thank you so much getting me to my first pop reel :D

Backstory time!
Once, there was a planet called "Fomuro". The residnets of Forumo, wanted to know if there was any civilazation on Earth. So they sent a secret agent from the unknown planet, named "Desamont". Before traveling to Earth, Desamont thought that he better wear clothes that residents of Earth would wear. He checked his comic stash, to find a comic about Earth. He found a comic called "Greetings Earth! (Issue #158)". Issue #158, was the only issue he found. He said "Hmm, Earthlings might wear something like this, a suit-like costume." So he started to make a suit, pants, and even, a hat! After weeks, he finally completed making the costume, so now he began working on a spaceship that he called "Eartho 8368" He spent years and years perfecting the spaceship! After that, all the population of Fomuro, came and hoped a good luck to Desamont. After all those years making the spaceship, he put a very special rocket inside called "RocketVoltX75" It was as fast as light! When he finally reached Earth's orbit, he said "Wow Earth is just beautiful!" He landed on a very dark forest. He began packing and preparing to step his feet on Earth, as the first person ever from Forumo, to step on another planet. He slowly roamed everywhere, until he stepped on roads where there is light. He thought that EVERY Earthling would be nice, but he thought wrong. Someone who saw his face, quickly hit his stomach with an iron bar, ran away and shouted "MONSTER! MONSTER!". Desamont was in very bad pain, he quickly returned to the forest and continued his investigation on Earth. He already knew that there was civilization, but he wanted to know much more, so he began walking in the darkness. Thats were a guy named "Jackson" comes in. He saw Desamont, but wasnt scared. because he believed that aliens lived on other planets. So he quickly lead Desamont to the hospital, and got him healed. After that Desamont thanked Jackson so much, that he wants to take Jackson to his home planet for a visit. Jackson's life long dream was to visit another planet so he accepted with happiness! After the visit to Fomuro, Jackson got back to Earth, and Desamont, again thanked him. Then as Desamont flies off Earth, Jackson watches happily in the sky.
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