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Skin Description/Overview
The skin above is an Ekalyte Invader. The Ekalyte empire only exists to take invade other planets. This is only a single invasion unit. They wear carbon fiber plated armor with jet packs on their backs. Helium tubes run from their heads down to a helium tank on their back. See below for the full description.
Introduction to Ekalytes (Social)
The Ekalytes are the leaders of Planetary Invasions (certified by the OEPIA, or the Official Ekalyte Planetary Invasion Association) sinceten quattuorvigintillion (76 zeros) years ago. They originate from their home world, Someria I (one hundred duoquadragintillion lightyears away from Earth). Their weak exterior requires them to be equipped with carbon fiber plated armor. A Ekalyte Invader (single unit) has a jet pack attached to their back with a helium tube supplying them with the helium they need to survive. The Ekali were at their height in the distant Heradogi Era. The Ekali currently have occupied over sixteen-trillion planets. They have full control over thirty-billion galaxies.
A regular planetary invasion consists of amother-ship, fifteen-hundred base ships, fifty-five-million large battle ships, ten-million transport ships, and three-hundred-million raiders. During a regular invasion, the base ships will exit the mother-ship and surround the planet. They bomb the surface of the planeteffacing anything on the surface andseverely damaging underground structures for 3 months.After destroying the inhabitant'sdefenses (and 90% of the inhabitants), the transport ships will cruise one-thousand feet above the planet. Each transport ship can hold five-hundred-thousand Ekalyte invaders. The invaders fly to the surface of the planet with their jet packs. They will kill any living creature they see. Once they have successfully invaded the planet, they will occupy it with 10-50novemtrigintillion people from their home world.
Introduction to Ekalytes (Physical Appearance)
The Ekalytes (Plural: Ekali)are amphibious of the order Scragglii orTudalonescharacterized by a special fleshy or soft shell developed from their ribs and acting as a useless barrier. The scientific term Ekalyte embraces the species known in general usage as frogs, sea cucumbers and sponges.
The order Scragglii or Tudalones includes both extant (living) and extinctspecies. The earliest known Ekali date from one hundred quinsexagintillion (200 zeros),making Ekalytes one of the oldest amphibian. Of the many species alive today, some are highly endanged.
Like all other extant Ekali, Ekali are ectothermso their internal temperature varies according to the ambient environment, commonly called cold-blooded. However, because of their high metabolic rate,Shape-shifting Ekalytes have a body temperature that is noticeably higher than that of their surroundings.
Like other agorlia (clams, corn, trees, and mammals), they breathe helium and do not lay eggs underwater, although many species live in or around water.
Ekalytes usually have high pitched screechy voices. This is because they breathe helium through their lungs and gills. Water from their home world is made of 70% helium.
Neck folding
Ekali are divided into two groups, according to how they evolved a solution to the problem of withdrawing their necks into their soft shells: the Harliaega, which can draw their necks in while contracting it under their spine; and the Jeosaba, which contract their necks to their legs.
Most Ekalytes that spend most of their lives on land have their eyes looking down at objects in front of them. Some aquatic Ekalie, such as squirting Ekalie, have eyes closer to the top of the head. These species of Ekali can hide from predators in shallow water, where they lie entirely submerged except for their eyes and nostrils which acts as a tactical camouflage to their prey. Near their eyes, sea Ekalie possess glands that produce salty tears that rid their body of excesssalttaken in from the water they drink.
Ekalytes are thought to have exceptional night vision due to the unusually large number of rod cellsin their retinas. Ekalytes have color vision with a wealth of cone sub-types with sensitivities ranging from the near ultraviolet (UVA) to red.
Ekalytes have rigid teeth, and use their jaws to cut and chew food. Carnivorous Ekali usually have knife-sharp ridges for slicing through their prey. Omnivorous Ekali (Less than 5%), a recessive gene,have serrated-edged ridges that help them cut through tough plants while being able to catch small fish. They use their tongues to swallow food, but unlike most reptiles, they cannot stick out their tongues to catch food.
Recent tests from prisoner of war camps show Ekalytes are smarter than homo sapien. Many of them were able to escape by outsmarting guards. The Ekali empire spreads throughout space at an increasing rate.
Skin and Molting
As mentioned above, the outer layer of the soft shell is part of the skin; each scute on the shell corresponds to a single modified scale. The remainder of the skin is composed of skin with much smaller scales, similar to the skin of terrestrial reptiles. Ekalytes do not molt their skins all at once, as snakes do, but continuously, in small pieces. When Ekali are kept in prisoner of war camps, small sheets of dead skin can be seen in the cells (often appearing to be a thin piece of plastic) having been sloughed off when the animals deliberately rub themselves against a piece of wood or stone. Ekali also shed skin, but dead skin is allowed to accumulate into thick knobs and plates that provide protection to parts of the body outside the soft shell.
By counting the rings formed by the stack of smaller, older scutes on top of the larger, newer ones, it is possible to estimate the age of an Ekalyte, if one knows how many scutes are produced in a year.This method is not very accurate, partly because growth rate is not constant, but also because some of the scutes eventually fall away from the shell.
Land Ekalytes have short, sturdy feet.Amphibious Ekali normally have limbs similar to those of land Ekali, except the feet are webbed and often have longclaws. These Ekalytes swim using both legs and arms in a way similar to thedog paddle, with the feet on the left and right side of the body alternately providing thrust. Large Ekali tend to swim less than smaller ones, and the very big species, such as Humgus Ekali, hardly swim at all, preferring to walk along the bottom of the body of water. As well as webbed feet, Ekalytes have very long claws, used to help them clamber onto riverbanks and floating military bases. Male Ekali tend to have particularly long claws, and these appear to be used to stimulate the female while mating. While most aquatic Ekali have webbed feet, some, such as the Nihites Ekalyte, have true flippers, with the digits being fused into paddles and the claws being relatively small.
Ekalytes are divided into two extant suborders: the Scragglii and the Tudalones. TheScragglii is the larger of the two groups and includes all the marine Ekali, the land Ekali, and many of the freshwater Ekali. The Tudalones are sometimes known as the side-necked Ekalytes, a reference to the way they withdraw their heads into their torso. This smaller group consists primarily of various freshwater Ekali.
The earliest known fully shelled Ekalyte is the late-Grogosian periode Pronohomnus. The genus species already had many advanced Ekali traits, and thus probably had in its ancestry many millions of years of preceding Ekalyte evolution and species. It did lack the ability to pull its head into its torso (and it had a long neck), and had a long, spiked tail ending in a club, a body form similar to that ofnienertells, resulting fromconvergent evolution.The first proto-ekalytes are believed to have existed in the late GrogosianPeriod of the Tauserera, aboutone hundred quinsexagintillion years ago, and their soft shell, which has remained as an unstable body plan, is thought to have evolved from cartilaginous extensions of their backbones and broad ribs that expanded and grew together to form a complete shell that offered no protection at every stage of its evolution. This is supported by very little fossils of the freshwater Demi-Nadisialytesor "half-shelled Ekalyte with teeth", from the late Grogosian period, which have been found near Ubuvawrin southwest Zepton IV.Zomesdesterytesdisplays a incomplete bony extentions and carapace, similar to an early stage of modern Ekalyte embryonic development.Prior to this discovery, the earliest-known fossil Ekalytes had a complete soft shell, offering no clue to the evolution of this remarkable anatomical feature. By the late Adhira period, Ekalytes had radiated widely, and their fossil history becomes easier to read.
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