Description from original post
(created 2013-02-13 03:10):
Eliza was a young upper class maiden living in England in the year 1085. She married at 15, only to have her husband die four years later to influenza. Nineteen and a widow, Eliza found happiness in playing the lute. She went on to live a happy, short life with music incorporated in every part of it.
I know the back story is cheesy...don't kill me please...please....yeah
Anyway, where I got the outfit information: x
- The female clothing of the time consisted of two tunics, the under one being longer but less capacious than the other
- The sleeves of the clothing came down tight to the wrists, and being plaited in many folds, whilst those of the latter open out, and only reach to the elbow
- The lower part, the neck, and the borders of the sleeves are trimmed with ornamented bands
- The waist was encircled by a girdle just above the hips
- A long veil, finely worked, and fastened on the head, covered the shoulders and hung down to the feet, completely hiding the hair, so that long plaits falling in front were evidently not then in fashion
- The under dress was made of various colours, whereas the gowns or outer tunics were often white
And then there's the no veil version:

Red version (with brown hair too)

Red Version Preview:

Update: Yayyyy I got 77th! Which is A LOT better than I thought I'd get with the amount of great skins entered. Thanks for all the support and stuffs ~