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(created 2013-05-14 05:51):
Hey PMC! This is my entry for the Arctic Life contest, I spent about 8-10 hours on this skin trying to make it better with every update so I hope you like it version 7! :D
If you like it please diamond and feedback is appreciated. If you like it enough please favorite and if you want more please subscribe
I based the skin off of this image, although I have changed it a fair bit as some personal flare XD

Known information, retrieved from Antarctic Military base (co-ordinates: classified)
4 August 2012
Our experiments have proven fruitless so far, the ice simply isn't cold enough in the test zone. On a few occasions the ice has melted to dangerous levels, even close to collapse, when we've only reached the arming faze of our little secret. I hope we can perfect it before summer, although i'm a little worried by the clumsiness of the engineers. Tools keep seeming to vanish from right under their noses! It's pitiful
9 August 2012
I can't believe it! THE ENTIRE PROJECT has been postponed because someone has misplaced the detonator! Honestly, I don't know how I live with these people.
16 August 2012
The detonator is still missing after a week of searching and the General has determined that it must have been stolen! personally I think one of the fools has dropped it down a chasm. So, we've received a message from the government saying they will fund a new detonator. Sadly that could take months to get here. Only interesting thing happening at the moment is the local Inuit people have reported sightings of an unidentified man roaming the area. It wasn't any of our people and I think it could just be the Northern Lights playing tricks on their minds.
17 August 2012
There is a serious issue. The local Inuits are dead! I went down there myself and the place is a wreak. Men, women, and children laying frozen in puddles of their own blood. Their faces twisted in horror and agony. I swear that I'm getting out of here first chance I get, something isn't right!
All of our equipment went missing overnight and we woke up to a bitter cold.
18 August 2012
We can't get any messages through for help. We made a makeshift radio but it's weak and a blizzard has started to batter the facility.
26 August 2012
Ha HAH! The past week has been amazing! The unidentified human the Inuits saw turns out to be some kind of android... and we caught it!!! I've never seen anything like it... The EskimoBot, or that's what i call it anyway, is a one of a kind discovery! It is the first chunk of inorganic matter to somehow obtain the ability to grow, reproduce, and adapt to it's environment; completely throwing my definition of 'life' into debate. I'm hoping to get closer tomorrow, although the General has ordered everyone to stay out of the cell, surely a close look wouldn't hurt. Maybe a sample or two.
27 August 2012
I'm sorry! I made a huge mistake. I think everyone else is dead. I'm writing this as a warning, because if you're reading this i'm dead. GET OUT OF HERE NOW! It's nearby...
I can hear it.