Day 1
Today is the day! Felix Gardner and I, William Maxwell, will officially be the first to return to Earth after the war! Our destination is the Antarctic, a small, miserable hunk of melted ice and snow. As boring as it is, ito s much safer to harvest water there, than go to the other miserable hunks of land crawling with the aliens who destroyed us.
Day 4
Felix and I have been traveling for 3 days now. Even at hyperspeed, we still wono t reach the Milky Way Galaxy until much later.
Day 6
We passed the planet that the aliens who took Earth used to inhabit. It was just a floating mass of lava and charred rock. No wonder they left and came to our old planet.
Day 11
Our spacecraft, the
Nebuchadnezzar, ran into a patrol of alien ships, today. We had to use up the entirety of our invisibility cloak and wait for 12 hours, but we must be getting close to Earth.
Day 12
We have just reached Eartho s orbit! Ito s a lot more, destroyed, than I remembered. Felix declares that we shall be landing shortly.
Day 13
Our spacecraft landed successfully, and we will begin our mission at the break of dawn tomorrow.
Day 14
Today we harvested 6000 gallons of water. Though it sounds like hard work, our high-tech body suits sure did their job of increasing our stamina, our waking hours, and lowered the amount of energy needed to do high tier jobs.
Day 17
We have collected a total of 14,000 gallons of water. Only 486,000 gallons to go.
Day 20
Today, while gathering water with our Hydro-Vacuums, Felix came across a strange type of arctic plant. I have provided a sketch below.

Day 25
150,000 gallons. We have made very good work.
Day 26
I have come across the same plant today as we did last week. Upon further inspection, I noticed tiny, poison covered needles all across its body. I am unsure whether ito s lethal, but I dono t want to find out. Felix and I planed to take a sample back home, Planet Denuo, to test on, but it seems this might be a little harder then I expected.
Day 32
Weo re have about 300,000 gallons now. Weo re more than halfway there.
Day 39
Somethingo s gone terribly wrong. Felix has gone missing. We were working in the snow, when I heard an awful snap and the creaking of old wood. I am going to head out tomorrow to investigate.
Day 40
I must go back. I must leave. I must go back. I must leave. Now. Back home. Leave. Never come back. Ever. Gone. Forever. Goodbye.
Day 41
Felix is dead.
Day 42
It was the damn flower. It killed him. I saw it with my own eyes. Two days back, when I went to find Felix, I saw it. It had Felix in its jaws. It looked at me. So did Felix. Now Felix is gone.
Day 45
Ito s here. The flower has followed me. Its tiny little needles are actually legs. And now it is on the ship. It is going to kill me. I am going to die.
Day 46
I cannot find the flower. I have searched everywhere on the ship while it drives autopilot. I have radioed main station 154 times. No responses. I am going insane.
Day 47
I am going to die. The sick part is that I do not know when. I do know when that awful beast is going to find me, bite me, and eat me alive. I am going to die.
Day 52
I arrive home tomorrow. I am going to live. I will not be killed by that god damn flowe *the rest of the text is an illegible mass of scribbles, followed by stains of green and red* *end of journal*