Ewalkt Nordenskjold (?)
Many people said that in the Arctic, it was an iceberg that appeared only at night, hiding during the day, there could be found the most terrifying monster ever created, Kufgnosk. People said that the monster kept a massive treasure, full of wealth and power. Many people tried to enter the cave to steal something. People came, but only bones and blood came out. Many, who occasionally saw the cave, said the cave was composed of ice and blood. But one day, having lost everything by themonster that attacked his village, Ewalkt Nordenskjold, decided to take revenge. And it happened one night, suddenly he found the iceberg and decided to confront the beast. No one knew what really happened, because after the alleged battle, Ewalkt went back to the ruins of his ancient village, using only the skin of the monster as his clothes, covering it completely. Many people said that from time to time, they saw his hands, some fingers were blue, meaning that the monster attacked him during the battle and conceived him one of his many powers, the power to use water as a weapon. Unfortunately, many people considered Ewalkt as a black witch and expelled from the village, later, found a friend, who wandered into the place, Peter Etherwald.
Unknown author