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(created 2013-05-14 16:40):
Trying a new shading style
New style :) Tell me what you think!
Sit around the campfire, I have a story to be tell :3
T'was the dark times, thousand years ago, unknown scandinavian mountains..
A recent attack from Smaug the treacherous fire drake left the Dwarven race a homeless ruin, they're sole choice was to return to their homeland up North, (Help me with name in comments).
But, much to their dismay, found it inhabited by copious amounts of battle-ready Orcs.
One by one the Dwarves we're getting slaughtered, the Orcs striked them down like fish in a bucket of water.
Then, one brave warrior, rode his steed with such speed up the mountains you would have thought it had been injected with roids, then, with a blow of his horn, the dwarven army fell back.
The Orcs, jeering and shrieking with laughter at the yield of the Dwarves, did not for one second think of the distant bellows of the mountains surrounding them on all sides. For at that moment, that brave warrior sacrificed his life for the well being of his brethren, he had caused a colossal avalanche hurtling straight towards the orcs, with no possible couner attack, the Orcs were buried alive, Leaving a perfectly preserved frozen carcass of their body buried deep under the snow. And till that day, that one brave warrior was remembered and honoured for his bravery, for that one brave warrior, was GorillaPound, and he is the father of the author of this skin.
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