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(created 2013-12-14 07:49):
Meet GhostGrandpa! *whispers* (he's a mod on our server!) Best guy you'll ever meet!
Made this skin to fit his name and figured I'd submit it to the Santa's Workshop Skin Contest. Tis the season!
Story below:
It was 1776 on the eve of Christmas and it was the kind of snow storm that came once in a lifetime. Grandpa was on his way home from the toy factory where he worked, carrying a large bag of presents. They were toys he had made for his cute little granddaughter Victoria, whom he loved very dearly. She had been playing with her friends outside when he had left this morning, but surely she would be safely inside now.
Blast this storm! He could barely see 2 feet in front of him! The wind whipping out his coat was bitter cold, but thoughts of how happy Victoria would be kept him warm. As he approached the front door, he could see the light from the fire burning gently through the window. Little Victoria had probably stayed up, eagerly awaiting his return. A smile appeared on the old man's face. She will be so excited! When he bustled through the door and shook away the cold, however, what he saw was not Victoria's beaming face. Instead, he saw weeping parents..
"What's wrong?!" he asked. "Where is Victoria? Where is my Granddaughter?"
"We.. *sob* we don't know.." Victoria's mother choked. "She went into the woods after the neighbor kids bullied her.. *sob* But she hasn't returned!"
"When we asked, the children said they had told her to go find Santa's workshop. They told her it was in the woods." Victoria's father said hoarsely. "When she didn't come home, we went out and looked... But the storm became too violent.. We had no choice.."
"YOU LEFT HER OUT THERE!?" Grandpa roared.
"What choice did we have??" sobbed the mother.
Furious, the old man threw down his bag of toys which spilled out over the floor. He grabbed a lantern and set off towards the woods, slamming the door behind him.
Weeks later, they found the body of a little girl. She had died out in the storm that night whilst searching desperately for Santa's workshop at the request of her 'friends'. Grandpa's body was never found. But every Christmas eve, if you look long enough, you can see the old man's lantern moving through the trees.. If you see the light of GhostGrandpa... turn off all the lights, shut your windows and go to bed! He's searching for naughty little children who are mean! And when he finds them... he'll freeze them to death! Just like his poor Victoria.