Description from original post
(created 2013-06-23 19:36):
Read to the end! It gets better! :D
By PixelPancake
"Happy birthday!" I heard them cry. As if they cared. I slumped my head further down into the mossy and termite-infected wooden park table.
"Cheer up!" My pathetic excuse for a mother whispered as she shook my shoulder. "You're only 13 once."
"You're only 13 once."
I repeated that in my head a couple of times in my head. 13. What is 13? The year you officially become a teenager, the age restriction for most things, but mostly unlucky.
"Okay, everyone! Time for cake and presents!" Her high pitched cry interrupted my thoughts. I looked up and gave her a scowl behind her back as she passed out cake.
I looked around the table. A bunch of family members that I didn't know. And then there was him. The only "friend" my mother thought I had. He was no friend. He was the enemy. Every day it was constant mental and physical bullying from this kid. I loathed him with burning passion.
He caught me looking at him and gave me a sly grin. My mother handed him his cake and with fake gratefulness, cheerfully said, "Thank you!". He stood up, cake in hand, and walked over to me.
"Happy birthday, man!" He smiled. On his way over, he purposefully tripped over a tree root, sending him and his cake sprawling into face. As he landed on me, he landed a square punch right in my gut.
"Oh, my!" My mother and him said at the same time. "My dearest apologies, my friend," he lied. That was it. I stood up and ran. Away from the park. Away from everyone else. Away from myself.
I ran and ran until I literally couldn't any more. I fell down, eyes blurry and mouth panting from exhaustion. I was under a highway, floating in some mucky water. "How far did I go?" I wondered. "Whatever, at least I'm away from them." My eyes closed, and sleep crashed over me like a black wave.
* * *
I woke up in a sterile white hospital room. I looked around. My mother and my "friend" where standing there, eyes wide and filled with false worry.
My mother opened her mouth to spit some wordy apology to me, but I stopped her right there.
I stood up out of my bed, detaching some tubes connected to my chest.
"Don't even bother with your condolences" I spat angrily at them. I walked over to the window. We were on the 4 story it seemed. I slid up to window, which blew a cool, windy, 7 p.m. breeze into the room. I turned around and looked at them.
"Honey, step away from the window and get back in your bed." She said she grabbed my arm. I shook it off and backed up even closer to the open window. I looked them both in the eyes, and simply said, "You'll never know what it's like." I promptly turned around, and jumped.
* * *
I'm happy now. I'm always happy. I was at the funeral. They didn't see me, though. I'm invisible now. I see things mere mortals can't. I can do things they can't. I'm a god now. Everyone is once they die. That's what they told me when I hit the ground. They said I could pick to be the god of anything in the entire world. I thought it over carefully. "What drove me to kill myself? What could I control to make others feel my pain? What could I be?"
I picked fear.
Hello everyone! I hope you like my contest skin! Now, let me tell you a couple of thins about this skin.
Why did I pick fear?
For a couple reasons. This is the 13th contest on PlanetMinecraft, which is often seen as unlucky and scary. Also, if you take the day the contest began, the 19th, and subtract 6, the month of June, from it, you get 13. In addition, this is also the 13th year of the 21st century.
And to top it off?
I only used 13 colors in this skin.
Don't forget to leave some feedback about the skin and the story!