Description from original post
(created 2013-09-29 16:04):
- Hi,
This is my Skin for the Sci-Fi & Outer Space Skin Contest.
I hope u like it, it's a man who just wanted to explore the world in the 22th century.
He found a little dungeon in the woods with a couple of stones he never seen before.
Until he tried to touch them, he heared a mystery voice, which comes from the sky.
The Guy, BTW his name is Michael Mc'Douglas, 38nd years old and a genius engineer. The voice comes closer and closer and then Michael doesn't see anything... anymore. Later he waked up in a completly black room.
He tried to escape, but there isn't a door or a exit.
After a couple of hours there where this voice... again and again Michael didn't see anything.............
2 years later Michael waked up in his Lazer Space-Suite which was engineered by himself, but he didn't know this.
Now he is half Robot, half Human and live on a planet with others robots, who
doesn't know who they are...
This was a history, which are not the best, but it was hard work :D
so stay awesome ;)