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(created 2013-10-13 20:00):
This just in: Apparently, Ash Ketchum, famous Pokémon trainer, went insane, and was found by his agents later at his apartment.
o Well, Cindy, this has been a disappointment for all fans of him, as he was put in an asylum. They say after learning that there were 498 more Pokémon to catch, and that scandal with Misty and Dawn, he turned to... yes... rare candy. This is a depressing tale of a boy who just wanted to catch emo all.
o Ha ha, yes John. Very sad, very sad. But did you hear? Misty and Dawn got into a fight! It was all over the gossip boards, and--o
o Well, weo re out of time folks.o
After a few days, a small yellow electric mouse stepped up to the seat, donning Asho s old outfit, and with an arsenal of Pokéballs. Yes, Pikachu has become the new Pokémon trainer, and he is determined to o Catch emo allo . However, many Pokémon believe that Pikachu has betrayed his own race, determined to put them in small orbs and never let them out...
I got this idea whilst recollecting old memories of using those cheat machines to get unlimited rare candy.
#Hacker@Birth ಠo ¡à²