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(created 2013-06-26 12:05):
Hello! This time I have my entry for the contest! So here is the story of Aurora the Goddess of Light:
Aurora was a goddess of light. She was not very much asked for, because her sister mainly took her talent and used it herself. But one day, the world was pitch-black, and no one could see. Aurora's sister, Alena, tried her hardest to make light appear, but suddenly Aurora started to glow, brighter than the sun, and brighter than all the light Alena could make. But she rose into the air, and the light was restored. Alena was happy for her sister, but when everyone came to Aurora for light, she became jealous and locked her in a prison. The prison was dark and cold. She heard nothing but ocassional drips of water, from Alena's storm clouds. But Aurora found she could make light by tapping her finger against a hard surface. As she tried it, light appeared from the prison. But it was dim light, and Aurora could not make it brighter, as Alena had took all her light except for a little she hadn't thought to take. She could hear everyone cheering for Alena as she made light. Aurora tossed her dark braid over her shoulder when a small glimmer came from nowhere. Aurora crawled closer, and found it was a golden headress. She put it over her head, and it fit perfectly. She crawled back to the small area she had been before. She found a small plate of food, mainly bread and a bit of berries, and small glass of water. She had not known of the food being there before, but she reluctantly gobbled it up. She reached for the water when she found another shimmer. This time it was a golden hair-holder. She put it in her braid, and she found a note where her plate once was. It read: Dear Aurora, I am a prisoner just like you. I am a goddess of weather, like your sister Alena. A day after you restored all the light in Mount. Olympus, Alena grabbed me and took all my talent, all but a little portion. I can make a few clouds every few minutes, by tapping my finger against the bars of the prison. I have a cell right next to you. I have access to a sink for water, and some cooking supplies. I can make us food anytime I like. Now, I found out Alena is a goddess of two talents, cooking and gathering, and she gets jealous of the other gods and goddesses and steals their talent! She has turned far from mean, most likely evil. I will write more later. Sincerely, Sierra, Goddess of Weather.After reading the note, Aurora found a way to get out of the prison. She could float, for not more than about two minutes, and then she would fall on her head. But she practiced often, and could finally fly for about 20 minutes. She flew to the celing, and saw a hole. She could also control the way she was going, and if she went up or down. She flew down, and found a small scrap of paper. She wrote: Dear Sierra, I found a way to escape! I found out I can fly! Since you can make clouds, make a cloud and try to float to the top of your cell. If you find a small hole, you can exit! Sincerely, Aurora, Goddess of Light and possibly Flying.She slipped the note towards the cell bars, when she found another glimmer. It was another braid-holder, this time golden and much longer, meant for two braids. She tied it in her hair, and felt more confident. She flew to the celing, slipped through the hole, and saw Sierra. She was wearing a dress like her, and had a silver braid-holder, holding a small braid near her body. They escaped just to find Alena, using weather and light, at the same time. They dropped to the ground just to see Alena sprawled on the floor, energy drained. They took her to the nearest medical care, and Aurora found out she had two talents! Light and Air! the end.
Yes it was long, and cheesier than a large jar thing of cheeseballs, but I took a while figuring this out! This is also my new shading style, I hope you like it!
Ciao, Fionna!