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(created 2013-05-18 14:49):
Hello! So I've decided to contribute to the big Arctic Creatures contest with this skin! Heres a bit of a story for her I made up on the spot.
Winteria sat on her thrown with a look of worry on her face as the guard spoke. "The yeti's are rebeling, they are destroying villages and and killing many people as we speak." Winteria was silent, she was afraid of what would happen if the yeti's went to far. Then she spoke, "Raise the alarm, light the beacons, even if we don't make it we can warn the other kingdoms. And, evacuate the small villages, the ones closest to the yeti's caves." Yes your highness, the guard bowed, and ran off to raise the alarm. Just as the guard was about to exit the palace a peasant ran in with a look of pure terror on her face. But, this peasant wasn't from here she was from the Snow Kingdom. "The yeti's have pillaged the Snow Kingdom, only few remain alive, we are being attacked!" she said, tears streaming down her face. Winteria looked up with a look of horror on her face." mean they have already destroyed the snow kingdom..?" She spoke in horror. "Yes" the peasant replied. " Okay..... WE need to raise the alarms alert the other kingdoms while you can, the city will be under lockdown." Winteria said with a look of seriousness on her face. "Lockdown??" The guard replied, "We haven't had a lockdown in nearly a centuery." he said worried."Well, now thats changed' Winteria replied, "Sound the alarm!"
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