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(created 2013-05-12 10:45):
February, 1942:
With World War 2 raging on in Europe, Russian scientists are making an attempt to find a location for a secret military base in the Arctic. The team of five, who's names are undisclosed, where traveling north on foot, when, in a fraction of a second, the ice below them gave way. Three scientists managed to jump just in time, but two fell down the gaping whole. As one scientist looked back at the hole, he saw a companion hit a large piece of ice stuck to the side of the hole, killing him instantly. As for the other scientist, he landed on the same piece of ice as his now-dead friend, but managed to survive. The three scientists on top of the ice set up camp, and made two attempts to save there comrade. All three attempts were futile. The scientists radioed for help, and, when they contacted base, where told there would be help within the next three days. They couldn't wait that long, but they thought they could.
That night, the wind dropped the temperature to -45 degrees Celsius . Slowly, the scientist froze to death. Except the man whom had fallen down the icy sinkhole. He had been protected from the cutting wind, and had managed to survive the night.
Three days later, a Russian plane spotted the camp and the bodies. The plane landed and the rescue crew stepped out. They went to the bodies first. After five minutes of digging, they rapped the bodies in blankets and put them on the plane. The crew also took the tents and equipment. Knowing that there was two more scientists to be found, dead or alive, they made a quick search of the area. One member of the rescue crew spotted the gaping hole and called his co-workers over. They spotted one body, with a broken back and only one arm. But where was the other? Under the tons and tons of ice, never to be seen again? At this thought, there was the sound of cracking ice behind the rescue crew, and, as they turned to see the frozen expedition member, the ground below them collapsed, killing them instantly.
The Ice Cyborg had risen, and, to this day, is known as Icolibe. He has been spotted numerous times, but there has never been any evidence of the spottings. Some say he is the cause of many unexplained deaths each year, and others say he lies low in the ice mountains. But one thing is for sure. He is out there in the Arctic, just waiting for his next victim.
Survival and Spotting
Icolibe has been spotted numerous times. Some of these spottings have included seeing the creature itself, footprints and tracks and even human remains from scientists recently killed.
Icolibe survives in the Arctic. Scientists have studied and made attempts to monitor it, but they have all failed. There is a know fact that the Icolibe digs large dens into the sides of snow mountains or hills. Scientists found one of its dens thirteen years ago, and, when they went to explore it, lost two members of the team from the den falling in. It is unknown whether or not the Icolibe casts a spell on these dens or not. Further research is being done.
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