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(created 2013-05-27 22:23):
"I am sworn to carry your burdens..."
Alright so before I get into the details of the skin, there is an issue I must address.
Recently a lot of you have been asking why I am not making The Hobbit skins anymore, and while I am, I wont be uploading another one for a couple of days to a week. You see, I've hit the equivelant of writers block for skinners. I keep trying to make Bombur and I just fail horribly, the skins I've been uploading are from a stash I made before hand, and that I have not been uploaded yet. (except my memorials day skin, it took a stroke of luck to make that)
So please bear with me, while I try to find inspiration again, until then, I have a few more skins to feed to you guys haha. :)
Lydia! From Skyrim!
I decided to make this skin because I started playing skyrim again a few days ago and Lydia has helped me out so much I decided to make her a skin. This skin was extremely fun to make, and is my first female skin :)
Since this is my first female skin I wanted to try something new, and for her face, head, and hair, I went for the style my favorite skinner uses, Lilfella. (Hopefully he sees this skin :D) I think it turned out alright. :)
And as always, I am always open to constructive criticism. :)

Reference picture:

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