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(created 2013-07-11 16:01):
Hey everyone :) So today, is my dad's birthday. It's his first birthday where he's.. Well, not here. I realize that he was and is the best dad I could ever ask for. And when I think about it further, I realize, I have soo much to be thankful for, that it balances everything out in the end. I've decided to write down some thank you's...
So, thank you, Daddy, for being you.
I HAVE SO MUCH TO TELL YOU. But thanks for always being there and making me laugh. Thanks for staying up when I feel like staying up until 12 and you stay up until 3. You're always there for me and we've known each for what.. A year already? Our anniversary of being frands is coming sooooon. I think.. July 22? Anyways, thanks for everything<333
When I first joined PMC, I was like, "OMGGGGGGGGGGGG BUTTONZ!" I was very derpy. And I still sort of am. But as months went by and experience counted up, I realized that PMC isn't a place to just upload things like a robot, but to share things that you made and to compliment others and to give them constructive criticism. It's a place to make friends and just strive to be popular. I know that being popular isn't the best thing to strive for... But it's just a fun goal to have. Every time I uploaded a skin, I improved, even if it was only by a little bit. Every time I get a new subscriber, I think, "Wow, I can really do this!" I could've stopped making skins a long time ago but you all encouraged me and still do so now. It means a lot to me that so many people like my work. It's amazing when I go to people's pages and they say that they want me to subscribe. I may seem like an uptight jerk, but I swear, I don't try to be. I don't take anything for granted and I squeal like a little fangirl every time I see that someone wants me to subscribe to them, every time someone popular subscribes to me, every time I get a new subscriber at all, and every time I see a skin of me. It makes my day and keeps pushing me forward. Thank you. <3