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(created 2013-02-15 04:27):
Medieval Black smith
This is my entry so please like and diamond so i can win
Definition of a Blacksmith
Definition and origin of the term Blacksmith: A Blacksmith is a combination of the two words 'black' and 'smith'. A 'Smith' is someone who works with metal (especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable). A 'Smith' was described according to the metals that he worked such as a goldsmith, silversmith or a blacksmith. A blacksmith was named because he was a 'smith' who worked in the "black" metal namely iron as opposed to the "white" metals such as tin, silver or gold. While 'Smith' may have first appeared in its current form in Middle English, it is really a much older word, probably based on a prehistoric German word meaning "worker" or "craftsman."
Description of a Medieval Blacksmith
Description of a Blacksmith: A smith who works in iron metal, especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable, working with a forge making iron utensils, horseshoes, weapons and repairing armor.