The leaders of the forest, surprisingly, were the jackrabbits. But not any jackrabbits. The Usagi rabbits, meaning simply o rabbit.o Miki is the daughter of the leaders Moriko and Ayumu Usagi. Miki always wanted to lead her tribe, and have them trust her, and that she will be there to help. The people of the tribe sadly never took her seriously, because of what her name meant, o beautiful princess.o Since people knew it was true, they would also think she was spoiled, cocky, and stuck-up. Miki wished to show them how sophisticated she could be, and that she didno t and wouldno t fall into those categories. But the tribes still didno t care for her thoughts, words, or wishes. They did, though, listen to her parents, because of their rank in the tribe, the highest rank there is. So then, every day, Miki watched her parents, and how they stayed in control over the people. More than one year she did this, and when she stopped is when she turned 17 years old of April 19th. Why? Traditionally, once a member of the family is 17, they may choose to either lead or rule over the kingdom with their parents, stay a princess and wait for a prince, or leave. Miki choose to leave. She said the reason is because no one cared for her there. She went off with her only belongings, a green ribbon, the clothes on her back, and an old fur coat of her old fur (thato s a mouthful), if it snows. She traveled far, to a place she would be accepted. After two weeks she lost hope and thought of going home. But she didno t. She just laid on the snowy ground, and cried, cried like she would die any moment. Then a blizzard stormed in and she cried even more. She got buried with the snow from the icy storm, and hoped she would dieo ¦ but again, she didno t die. She really just fell asleep. When Miki awakened she wasno t in snow, but an icy palace. The man in charge happened to grant the wish of Mikio s. To have someone finally trust her. The kingly man gave her a key to his door, which he said was the god/goddess ceremony room. They had to change a bit of her appearance, and she agreed on coloring her whiskers, ears, and tail winter water blue. She had become the goddess of the snow rabbits, Princess Miki Usagi Aoi. She was finally satisfied, and truly, happy.