Description from original post
(created 2013-09-27 00:02):
Descendants of the God of blaze, Xaartho's protectors who will fight for their lives to defend the freedom that they used to have. He once was the ruler himself, but then a devilish creature from within murdered all his friends and family. Every Soul who has been lost or stolen goes directly into his miserable brain, then progressively reforms it into a bit of technology. He suffers from this bad curse, and every time you put trust on him he gets stronger, but however, he gets maimed if you fall in action while in his hands. He searches far and wide to find the perfect person to transfer to become the new lord. The back story is quite long: I typed the whole thing in a spoiler and only 5% of it got actually typed. So please give me the help and support. also, Nether is in space in this universe. (For those saying that this isn't spacial) On this planet it is. :b 103rd Place isn't that half bad, right? xD
Once upon a time, in a planet known as Zechrox, There was a mechanical robot who worked on maintenance, he was a little white and gray robot who knew how to fix, make, and even polish metal things. One day, he developed a sense of humor, feelings, and thoughts. He started to download knowledge and then thought to himself, "What if I make a portal to a whole new universe?" For estimated thirty-five years he spent time working on this universe. The robot realized he was missing one more part. Steel, to ignite the fire, which activated a portal to a whole new universe.
At the same time there was a Gladiator who served as a nobleman. He also goofed off at times, when he was walking home from work, which was a day-time guard, and noticed a bunch of gunshot-like noises in this one house, so like anyone, he investigated, when he entered the house, there was a little robot working on something, abnormal, it was built out of Obsidian, a precious stone that's really rare, and it had a load of machinery on the back, "What's that?" He asked the robot. "Oh, this isThe parallel universe switcher 1000", "You can call it the T.P.U.S for short, do you mind if I go and get a piece of steel for the last piece of my machine?" The nobleman accepted and watched it for a while. He noticed a piece of steel on the floor and started to tinker with it. He pulled out his trusty flint and started to scrape the steel on the flint. Sparks went flying and one touched the obsidian frame and a portal opened up a new dimension. He quickly shot up and looked at it perplexed. He immediately hopped right in and hoped to Herobrine he wouldn't end up in a bad place. Suddenly, he vanished. He was spinning around all dizzy until he finally arrived at his new destination. He found it odd that the place was a bit too reddish. He found mushrooms and weird dark red ones. He picked them and put it in his specimen backpack. He decided to venture through the rest of the eerie environment until he saw a large village called Hell's Peak Village. In there he was fed and helped with and taken care of for three days. Suddenly, one of the villagers yelled out, "We're under attack! Everybody man your stations!" And then a little girl walked up to the Nobleman and said,"Please help us, we trust you with all our soul." He nodded and announced that he would defend the village with his villager army. The invaders were in a number of thirty, while there were only 10 of the villagers. The Nobleman quickly jolted towards the edge where it was the safest part and six Invaders pull up and attempt to mob him. Two start out and run towards him and he jumps out of the way and shoves them off the cliff. Another two come at him with daggers made from pure plasma. He jumps over their heads and snatches one of them's dagger and slices them both. Another set of two come chasing after him with hover vehicles with spikes on the front and the Nobleman throws both daggers at the two. One hits the Invader in the forehead, while the other just missed and fell off the edge. The last invader sped up and the Nobleman span around, whipped out his pistol and hoped he didn't miss, luckily, he hit him right in the left lung and he immediately stopped the hover vehicle and bled to death. When the Nobleman came back to the village, all the people were slaughtered, some were decapitated and their heads were put on poles. One villager was still alive and it was the little girl, who was dying because she got stabbed in the lower liver. She whispered into the Nobleman's ear, "We trusted you, we can't forgive you. You have failed us."
He watched as her soul transported from her body and into the nobleman's. He prayed to beg for mercy and to be forgiven by the village. As he walked back from the new dimension, he called the Nether because it's deep down and he doesn't ever want to visit it ever again. He changed the death sand's name to Soul Sand in honor of Hell's Peak Village. As he walked back to the portal, he lit it once more and vanished through the bedrock ground. Came back to the robot maintaining the portal who said, "Look who's back!" The nobleman didn't reply, In fact, he just frowned at the robot who also knew how telepathic communication worked. The robot later said, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry" and then he threw the portal and all it's mechanics away in his disposal pit where it was never heard of again. The end. Don't forget to diamond and comment!
This skin took little over six hours to make! So please Diamond, Favorite, And subscribe!!
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