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(created 2013-12-15 17:25):
While Santa Claus goes swimming in the North Pool and floating with Mrs. Claus on an icicle built for two, someone has to deliver the presents, and of course, eat the cookies with milk.
Sadly, Penguindomas can't fly around the world fast enough, because Rude-olph doesn't let him into the sleigh. Somewhy, Scrooge still manages to get into the sleigh, I guess it's because every buck is so deer to Scrooge. Enough with the puns. Let's get into the story.
One day, the day before christmas, Penguindomas met a really sad elf, he felt really sad for the kid
- Why are you so sad? - Penguindomas asked.
- M-m-my lunch was taken away by a strange man, I'm too hungry to make more toys. - the elf replied.
- Leave it to me, here, have my lunch, I'll fill my belly tomorrow. - Penguindomas kindly said to the kid.
- Th-th-thank you v-very much penguin-sir..! - Gratefully said the elf.
The next day, Penguindomas managed to get a group of reindeer to fly him around the globe in one night.
He went through the first town in a really swift flight, and flew through the continent that was in his sight.
His belly was full, with cookies and milk, he burped with delight, from all the cookies he swiped.
When they came back to the North Pole, Santa was pleased to hear, that Penguindomas managed to do it in a breeze.
Penguindomas sneezed, as the elf from the day before chrismas addressed his success, of giving girls barbies, and little boys - cars.
Merry Christmas everyone.