Description from original post
(created 2013-01-11 10:09):
The year is 9050.
On the date of April 21st 3050, a time capsule was installed in the Nevada desert.
This time capsule was scheduled to be opened in 6000 years.
Upon opening, alien technology was revealed. A nano-tech suit that forms around a selected user.
One activated, the user can de-materialize and re-materialize at will. This project was codenamed Project Genesis. The official name assigned once the technology was implemented in World War IV, was the Phantom Soldiers.
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After some time, the nano-technology began to develop an AI of it's own.
Project Genesis backfired, and the nano-suits only required a human host to support the suits.
The nano-tech began producing more suits, which eventually began to spread worldwide.
The suits are near indestructible, in the way that when a chunk of the suit is removed, the molecules converge in the same order in a matter of seconds.
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Here are 3D schematics of the suit.

And here is the back of the suit. Notice the power cells that glow a deep purple, to a light orange.