Description from original post
(created 2013-07-30 16:29):
What if DatMuffinMan inherited a big muffin company from a dying confectioner? Will he continue his legacy or set its brand new course?
He made his own course and started making new flavors for the inherited muffin company. As he create and taste his new flavors, he, the new owner of the muffin company is molded into completely someone else. His free-spirited teenage self dissolved into flavors for his products, in order to maintain the company's reputation. He became a tyrant and became connected to many people he didn't know at all, until his latest customer was...
Hatsya Souji, a corporate tyrant in Eastern-based game development, a young lad in dandelion coat and tie, tasted his latest line of muffins. Due to its savory flavor, he invested a handful of stocks to grow the muffin company.
Ten years has passed, the former confectioner's corporation's existence is peeled off by DatMuffinMan's towering business force. As the company surpassed its former self, the owner is emotionally-stoned, that his tyranny trampled many villages into his own factories. Now, the family of the dead confectioner plotted a massacre against the company that they once owned...
Hatsya Souji, Smasher200, MentalFox, Leostereo, DinowCookie, and the former rival, OliverFrenchie were called back for another Red Requiem Ritual against DatMuffinMan's competitors and detractors across the multiverse.