Description from original post
(created 2013-08-18 13:48):
"I am now Siegfried Knarfer, former Neo-Japanese spec-ops ninja!" the man in red military uniform said to the higher officials inside the gigantic hall, with his right clenched fists on his left chest.
A magical bio-mechanical imitation of a Ghast loomed above Knarfer and it spoke to him,
"You are hereby summoned today to take part for the reenactment of the Red Requiem"
"Red Requiem?" Knarfer said, in a stuttered state, as the tamed robotic Ghast seemed firm about the order.
"Yes, also known as the Great Purge of the Monoshades" the Ghast said to Knarfer then it laughed with bloodlust.
The Ghast started spinning around and just gave Knarfer an order,
"Do not hesitate to shoot any Monoshade in your way and revive them purified, okay!"
Knarfer grabbed his pair of golden .44 Anacondas and seemed to like the mission that the Ghast issued.