Description from original post
(created 2013-05-13 00:45):
Lots of people think puffins are very similar to penguins but they are actually quite different. Puffins can fly and they are more reminiscent of ducks than penguins. [Here's a link to a puffin/ penguin comparison pics: url=][/url] ]
The four species of puffins all live in the northern hemisphere, in the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Arctic Oceans, but the Rhinoceros Auklet also lives in warmer climates because of it's warmer adaptations.
The four species are:
Atlantic Puffin
Horned Puffin
Tufted Puffin
Rhinoceros Auklet [Although this Puffin differs noticeably in outward appearance from the other three species of puffin (which accounts for its misnaming), this sooty-brown bird is anatomically still a puffin.]
Here's a link to more info:
In the credits there's a link to project puffin, although puffins are not endangered their numbers are quickly diminishing, at the website you can donate or set up a time to volunteer if they are near you, you can also "adopt" a puffin which sends funds to the organization to sponsor the puffin plus you get updates on the puffin including the pictures.
I enjoyed making this and providing information on puffins, thanks for reading.

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