The sun had begun to rise on the vermillion sands of Kor, the insects chirped with the power of a thousand lions. The Plebian areas were practically a ghetto, just a scattering of makeshift homes where the Plebeians and non-humans were separated from the higher classes. People started to awaken, among them was Ronaldo, a Plebian engineer. He rose from bed and prepared for a day of work. He was a tall man, with long and scruffy blue hair with a beard.
He rushed to the garage he worked at. He worked with two other humans and a crabbie. Work was always a hard experience however for the Plebeians it was the only way to live. The day went on slowly and uneventfully until lunch. A short man in a suit walked into the garage with two grunts behind him. The crabbie walked up to the men and told them to leave, all of them new that the mob was present, but they didno t think theyo d bother businesses this far into the Plebeian areas. One of the grunts picked up a bar and smashed the crabbie over the head knocking him out cold. Ronaldo then threw a wrench at the man and the other two engineers rushed the boss and the remaining grunt. One of the men slam tackled the grunt however the boss quickly drew a blaster and shot both the men. Ronaldo grabbed the crabbie and ran out of the back door.
They hid in a nearby shelter until the crabbie regained consciousness however a loud bang came from the garage along with a burst of blue light. Ronaldo looked out the window to see the garage engulfed in blue flame with the mobsters walking out searching for Ronaldo and the crabbie. The crabbie grumbled as he woke up, Ronaldo hurriedly explained the situation to him, however the crabo s response was slurred and drunken. They heard the sound of footsteps approaching the sheltero s door and they quickly hid behind a shelf, grabbing a kitchen knife on the ground. The tough life they had to endure till now had just gotten a lot worseo ¦