Description from original post
(created 2013-12-13 15:47):
One little elf,
So new and fragile,
Decided to make
A new hat in a hassle.
He whipped up some thread,
Some needles and pins.
And got right to work,
With a great big grin.
Once he had finished,
He took a step back,
And saw that his project
Needed something abstract.
So he searched through cupboards,
Closets and drawers.
Hoping to find
Something more uncluttered.
He searched some more,
With no luck at all.
Until in one spot
He found something unsure.
He opened up the bottle,
Without a clue.
Black smoke came out,
And then the hat grew.
The hat grew a face,
A devilish tone.
But, little elf put it away
And give to Santa for show.
He delivered it to Santa
So happy and proud.
But when Santa opened it,
The hat screeched aloud.
It jumped on Santa,
Devouring his head,
He couldn't get it of,
He sat there being behead.
The hat never let go,
For years and years.
Santa eventually died,
And the elf in tears.
The End.