Description from original post
(created 2013-05-11 05:44):


Scratmeus(or Scratmei) use to roam the planet freely, looking after wildlife and caring for each other. Scientist say these ancient beasts were not just in the Arctic but were found in many environments, like the jungle, or hidden under water or even located in the skies. They simply adapt to their environment. Scratmei are also said to be the first known origin of feelings or understanding. Sadly a Redstone powered current hit them whilst they were on a planet, this Redstone wave was caused by someone they call.... "Steve". The stories go that he use to chop down the landscape, kill animals and start fires. They say that his birth was their death. But still the legend goes that these beasts still exist, that they are "living among us" disguised as us. But how can you tell someone may be a Scratmeus? Well it's very simple. Ask them the question, "Metal claw or Meat claw?" if they say Metal claw, then they are a hidden Scratmeus, but if they say Meat claw, they are just human(or are really hungry for a bear claw). It's very important that if you find a Scratmeus, NOT to expose it. If you do the government bight start doing tests and they might become extinct again! Well here is some pictures of the other Scratmei(Snow Scratmeus at the top /)

Personal Profiling
Snow Scratmeus
Building Skills=10/10
Survival Skills=9/10
Weakness=Hot days/Blazes
It's Legend=First discovered by Steve on his missions in the taiga biomes, Steve says he found the creature "Making a snow castle". It is unknown how he got there but Steve claims that the creature had a thin layer of snow.
(Right click it and save it as "anything".png)
Ice Scratmeus
Building Skills=7/10
Survival Skills=6/10
Weakness=Hot days/Pickaxes
It's Legend=First discovered by Steve on his mission in the taiga biomes, Steve says he found the creature hidden under a block of ice, but slowly smashing squids against stones. He wondered why the squid had a golden sword in its head but then he just walked away.
(Right click it and save it as "anything".png)
Jungle Scratmeus
Building Skills=9/10
Survival Skills=2/10
It's Legend=First found by Steve in his journey to the Jungle biome, Steve claims he was looking for a new home and that he found the Jungle Scratmeus in his Ocelot trap. Steve thinks that Jungle Scratmei must love killing chickens because his chicken coop was "wiped clean".
(Right click it and save it as "anything".png)
Scarlet Scratmeus(Also known as The God Scrat)
Building Skills=???
Survival Skills=???
It's Legend=Never fully seen but Steve swears he saw it, he claims that he found it in the sky jumping from cloud to cloud with infinite speed, he claims that it was like a god! Disbelievers thought Steve was mad, crazy "off with his head" they would say. Until one day it was caught, the Scarlet Scratmeus was caught in a largely complex Redstone wave machine that is now said to have cause the Scratmei great pain. The Scratmeus was caught but it soon broke free, breaking buildings destroying villages and even the tamed Ender Dragon couldn't stop him! Fortunately only one villager was injured and the Scarlet Scratmeus never came back.
Thanks for helping me get to Pop-Reel, yes it took 3 hours but to be honest there was a lot of talent on Pop-Reel and that was truly difficult to compete with.
This was actually made by
Monchius(The picture below!) and I simply added a frame and some highlights to make it look better the original one that he made is
I got 89th place! I understand this is awesome for my first ever contest to get in the top 100! But I am still disappointed :( I find it annoying that I put all this effort into a description and I didn't make top 50! I got a low score for technique and execution even though I tried my hardest but still... I got 90st :') So I am "happy"