Long ago, still there wolvines live in the snowy areas far from the Workshop thats owned by the known Santa. None were interested in their powers and lived like normal people, except one. She knew about her power, Ice and Snow. She could make icicles, make frosted lakes, frozen lakes, and border things with snow. She was interested in helping Santa Claus. This wolvine's name was Snowitine. She was the only one in the whole school in the class of making snow look undisturbed for Santa. And of all the students that did that class [and failed..] she was the best. She could demonstrate and answer anything the teacher, Mr. Snowlace, would ask.
Age 17, she packed up to go to the Workshop. She was accepted. "Dad I can go by myself," She told her father. Her father kept saying, "At least let me take you there!" until, Snowitine looked at her father and said, "I can travel, I'm 17." Her father nodded and helped her into the snow, so she didn't have to trip a lot. "Bye!" She called to everyone she knew. And started traveling.
When she got to the workshop, elves greeted her, and one elf showed her to her room. First night, she was caught by a child. But, of course, she didn't need to be sneaky. She helped the child into bed and told the child stories of beautiful snow that covered miles. And every time she was caught, she told the story to the child who caught her. Since then every time the snow fell and science class asked the child about snow, they answered correctly. To this day Snowitine helps Santa make sure there's no damage.
She wears a dark blue sweater blouse shirt with a red sweater underneath to keep warm.
Mint colored jeans, w/ redish brown boots.
Her eyes [Which are indeed yellow] glow in the dark she she can see.
Create snow, frost, and icicles.
Keep snow intact like Santa Claus was never there.
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For contests; I'll try. Random skins? Once and awhile yes. However it may not be as frequent cause of school.
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