Description from original post
(created 2013-08-23 12:23):
Strange Eyeball Man
Strange eyeball man was well. a normal man. He always wanted to have good eyesight. He wanted to be able to see things from far. Being the genius that Eyeball man was, he created a machine to make his eyesight better. He did not read the instructions right, and it turned his whole head into an eyeball... Now he goes around with an eyeball the size of an average 20 year old's head. Eyeball man decided to report this to Planet Minecraft. Luckily, the very cool, awesome, not weird at all 0PBeast responded to him and made a skin for him on PlanetMinecraft. Now Eyeball man has gotten all kinds of awards, such as: ONLY MAN ABLE TO SEE 10,000,000 Blocks away with tiny render distance, Biggest Eyeball Ever! and Coolest Eye Colour. Eyeball man is no longer regretting having an eyeball head :)
Hey guys, thank you for viewing this skin! It is for the TWISTER REALITY SKIN CONTEST.
If you think this is good, be sure to give this a diamond :D If not.. then don't.
Thanks and BYE!