Description from original post
(created 2013-12-24 01:09):
Pink - Sheena
Orange - Shimmel
Green - Holly
Blue - Wake Up Elf
Red - List Elf
Sheena was an elf. An ordinary elf, just like everyone else.. 2'6 and 40 pounds. She never got in trouble with Santa or other elves. Sheena was the one who helped set up the 26 ft Christmas tree, mainly she put on the lights. She did this every year, same routine, same time, day, even the same attitude. But, this day was different. Sheena knew something bad was going to happen on this very embarrassing day.
"Wake up Sheena! It's time to put up the lights." She awoke and sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes with her puny hands. Sheena always hated how she was so small. She suddenly noticed the wake-up elf was still in her room.
"I'm going, I'm going." Sheena swung her feet around the bed and trudges to her closet. She peeked inside and saw green half-dresses, red and white stockings, and midnight black shoes that curled with bells on the end. She moaned and picked out a pair of shoes, a green dress, and some stockings.
"These outfits are soo lame..."
"Get over it. Be out here in 3 minutes."
"Fine. This is stupid." she mumbled to herself. Walking over to her mirror, Sheena inspected herself. Long, straight, dark, auburn hair and bright blue eyes. I know what you're thinking, brown hair and blue eyes? HOW!? Well, elves are very different from humans. Pink, chubby cheeks, thick eyebrows, pointed ears and a baby nose. She slipped on her stockings, pulled over her emerald dress, and battled with her pointy shoes. Sheena's room was fairly big for an elf, sky blue carpet, green walls, and a Holiday themed bed. White dressers and side tables, yellow lamps and a red door. Suddenly, the door swung open, and there stood Holly, Sheena's bestest friend in the entire North Pole.
"Sheena! We have got to go now! We're going to be late!!" Holly was taller than Sheena, with orange, curly hair and glistening emerald eyes. Sheena knew she was the most beautiful elf, and she was so fun to be around. She looked so cute in her red dress, green stockings, and red jingle hat. Sheena was even a bit jealous, but grew past it. She rushed out the door, brushing her hair down then stuffing the comb in her pocket. The workshop was gigantic. A big open space with stairs wrapping around, sort of like a candy cane. In the north, there was the wrapping center, they elves actually wrapped all the toys themselves, not with machines. To the west was the toy checking area, where they checked every single toy to make sure none were broken. The south was were they actually MADE the toys, toy soldiers, dolls, trains, teddy bears, and much much more. In the east, they separated the toys into different bags, which represented the countries, U.S.A, China, Russia, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Greenland, etc.. And directly in the center is where they put the tree. They left it blank all year around, then decorated it during December. The tree was twenty six feet tall, 5 feet wide (At the bottom) and about 2 tons (With decorations). Sheena gazed at the tree, it was a deep, forest green with a square trunk. (Weird, right??) A blonde male elf ran to Sheena, holding a list, so it seemed.
"The lights are over by Shimmel, go fetch them and you can wait until they finish the bottom, you're doing the top this year." Oh no, Sheena thought. You see, Sheena was a tough elf, but there was one thing that scared her, heights.
"B-But sir, I-"
"No time to talk, go get ready." Fear filled her eyes. Me? But, I always do the bottom. Why the top, why me? Wonder filled Sheena's mind. Facing her fears, she walked to the lights and wrapped them around her body like a sash. She noticed Shimmel was there as well. Shimmel was a handsome fellow, who Sheena liked. He had brown, curly hair, and deep cocoa colored eyes. His arms were ripped, Sheena wondered why he was doing lights this year, he usually sorts the presents.
"Hey, are you doing lights too?"
"Yea, are you doing the top?"
"Totally, hey I know this is a bad time but, what's your name?"
"It's Sheena, I do the lights every year."
"Really? I've never noticed you. Anyway, I'm Shimmel. I usually do sorting."
"I know.."
"You do? How?"
"I mean, um.. Oh look! They're starting the bottom.." Sheena turned away and blushed, feeling embarrassed. It was normal that Shimmel didn't know her name, most of the guys she liked didn't even know she existed. She returned her thoughts to the present, and watched 3 elves use guns to throw on the rainbow Christmas lights for the bottom. The top was different. The elves were secured to harnesses, lifted up with a crane, and had to throw the lights onto the tree. Sheena was an expert with the light gun. but harnesses? I don't think so. Sheena was struck with shock and fear, her legs were shaking and her voice was trembling. She looked at Shimmel who was smirking, ready to work. He looked back and winked then secured his harness. Sheena smiled then fiddled around with her harness, not figuring it out. She felt a hand touch her hand and saw Shimmel helping her with her harness. Sheena blushed again and thanked him. All of the sudden, a rumble rang through out the building and the two elves started rising up. She was clinging onto her rope, squeezing her eyes.
"Don't look down Sheena. You'll be fine just don't look down." she reassured herself.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you over the engine of the crane."
"Nothing. It was nothing." When they reached the top, Sheena couldn't let go of the rope, so she did it all with one hand. Sheena started inching toward the tree. When she reached the tree (More like IN the tree) she started unwrapping the lights. Sheena heard a soft, Clink! and thought, Oh no. That can't be good. Nothing happened. She returned to untangling the war glowing lights. At that moment, she looked at Shimmel, who was using both hands and placing the lights neatly. Sheena reached out to place her lights down when she heard the clink again, and felt her hand theat was holding onto the rope get stiffer. She opened her eyes wide and realized she was holding herself with her arm, and let go. Sheena fell downward into the tree,catching lights on the way down. Thankfully, Sheena landed softly on the ground, using the needles to break her fall. She ached all over. Shimmel dropped down to the ground and ran over to her, worried.
"Are you okay?! Oh my gosh, I can't believe you fell!"
"I'm okay." she said while groaning and rubbing her back. She looked over and saw Holly, who had stopped checking toys, was lying on the ground cracking up. Sheena smiled and started laughing too, even though she had just fell down 26 feet, she thought it was hysterical. Sheena went home that day, feeling good. Another great, exciting day.
Well. I had a lot of fun making this. I was creating the skin, when i was almost finished I went to Target with mah sista. Told my mom not to close the window. I come home like 2 hours later, annnddd it was gone. -. - I got soo mad at my mom. But I forgave her. This was fun, and very cool. :3 Hope you enjoy!!
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