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(created 2013-02-19 21:35):
Gengis Khan ["Medieval / Dark Ages" Contest] [Finalist]
This skin is made based on the historical portraits and representations of Genghis Khan, and it is also my skin entry for the Medieval/Dark Ages skin contest.
To begin with the skin's details: i did quite a research on native Mongolian clothing, and the armor crafting designs they used back then, but what i find about it is basically a mist between native fur clothes and padded leather with quite visible Chinese influences.
This skin is composed by a Mongolian Iron Bowl-Helmet, Padded Leather Armor, Silk Robe-Skirt and Shoulder-Covers, Silk Pants and Fur Boots.
Now, to his story:
Genghis Khan was born in 1162 on the native Steppes of Mongolia (north of China) under the name of Temüjïn, he is known for the great empire he founded by conquering most of the lands of the Eurasia, going from great portions of the Central Asia and China. Those conquers resulted in large-scale slaughter of populations, what he is mostly known for.
But he wasn't only a barbarian who killed people as most people think. He was the responsible for uniting the nomad tribes of the Steppe, leading him to be known as the father of the Mongolian empire, and he researched on philosophy and religious toleration in order to attain his own moral lessons, consulting Buddhist monks, Muslims, Christian missionaries, and one of the most famous Taoist monks, Qiu Chuji.
He died later in the year of 1227 a.C. and ordered some of his soldiers to make a hidden tomb for him, and lock his dead body together with all his fortune in there. It is also said that they diverted a river over his tomb and then committed suicide, so no one would ever find it. His tomb still remains secret until now-a-days, and it is a great ambition of archaeologists to find it.
I personally found his story very interesting and i do recommend further research over it.
So... that's it, i really hope you enjoy this skin. Even though i usually don't ask for this, please give a Diamond and/or Favorite it if you like it, thanks!
Reference Image

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