Description from original post (created 2013-08-21 17:51):
Real Name: Johan
Age: 27
Height: 205 cm and 3 mm tall.
Weight: Unknown.
AKA: Epilepsy Ninja.
Skills: Taekwando, Judo, Boxing, Caponera, Swedish backhold wrestling, German Wrestling, American Wrestling, Karate, and Kung Fu.
He obtained a extra indicading any kinds of dangers, his eyes tell everything. Red: danger, Blue: Peace in the area, Yellow:Some low indications of danger. Green: Moving away from danger. Rave: Indicating confusions or a disaster is coming.
His many knows many techniques to stealth kill any enemy posible, even if it is a tyrant monster, he'll do it.
Weapons: Kunais, L118A, UMP, KSG, Taurus 44's, Katana, Ninyakens, First Blood, Flash bangs, Grenades, ACR, SCAR, Javelin, and a Commando.
At the age of 21 he began working for a science lab where they studied the colors. He learnt that green was the actual opposite color of red, because he was an idiot. His partner, Lacy worked on a project called: E.M.D.C.A.S (Epilepsy Machine Designed To Cause Anyone Seizures).
During the process of making of the machine, Johan and Lacy did a variety of tests with cockroaches and mice to figure out any signs of seizures. Unfortunately, it was a sucess and it was a mistake. After making improvements on the machine and testing with bigger animals with expected results, Johan wanted to go next. Johan was going to test the machine at 6:30 a.m in the next morning. The night before the special day, and pest (more specifically: a roach) went inside a vent that was opened by some odd reason. By coming inside, the roach found a wire that he thought was food and cut the wire apart and died by electrocution (grammar fail).
6:00 a.m the next day.
Lacy was preparing E.M.D.C.A.S for the experiment and Johan praying that everything is going to be fine. 27 minutes later Johan was ready and Lacy... simply nervous, 3 minutes after, the experiment began. In the first 2 minutes Johan had no syptoms that could cause seizures, a 1 minute later the machine started to fail. The began overheating and Johan was suffering for a great and horrific seizure. In Johan's POV he was seing Lacy with different colors. few seconds later and BOOOOOM!!!! The machine exploded.
In the debri (grammar fail) Lacy found Johan, but something was different he started to glow in different colors and suddenly disappears. After the incident, Johan lived a ordinary live.
Johan finds himself in his house wondering what happened when he notice his body. He was startled, by the appearence (grammar fail) of his skin, shining every color missing none.
Several years after suffering a lot of bullying and other offenses, he already ended his training with a sensei called: Sensei Noodle Chops. He learnt the ways of the ninja and learnt many martial arts.
He created a suit as shown on the page and called himself The Bombastic Epilepsy Ninja.
If you liked the skin or the story, diamond and favorite as you please and hopefully enjoy the skin!
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