For the planet minecraft skin contest! Backstory down below (Warning: its long..):
Troy was walking along on the streets of new york. He wasnt really sure how he got there and it all seemed like he had forgotten everything. He decided to try and find someone to ask for directions but it seemed to be midnight so no one was outside. Troy figured hed look around for a bit then try and find a place to sleep. He was in a daze and was not sure what to do at the moment. As troy was walking along the side of a tall skyscraper a faint glow coming from the alleyway caught his eye. He wondered closer hoping it was some sort of construction going on late at night. When he peered around the corner he didnt get was he was expecting. A red/orange circular light was floating in midair. He looked around suspiciously thinking that it was a trick. The object seemed to pull him in and he swore he heard whispers but they were coming from the object. He cautiosly creeped closer and closer to the glowing object and when he was close enough he tried to touch it with his hand. His hand went straight through. He gasped and pulled his hand back because it felt hot. he put his hand back in and peered around the object. His hand was nowhere to be found. Curious but cautious, he stepped inside the object and was transported to somewhere else. It was new york but in ruins. he heard screams echoing across the tall and broken skyscrapers and strange people with bags over their head limped around. As he got closer to ask them where he was it turned towards him and its ribcage was exposed. He jumped back in fright and looked in horror as he realised the human was torn and hurt. He asked the person if he needed medical attention but he got no reply. He walked over and pulled the bag off the person's head. Troy screamed at it. Its eyes were empty sockets on the side of its head and its mouth was a a disfigured bloody hole in that replaced its face. He looked around to try and find someone normal but everything looked the same the disfigured monsters limped around with the brown sacks on their head. John screamed and woke up. Sweat was beating off of his forehead. He sighed with relief and got up to get a drink of water. Thats when he heard a scream. He grabbed a kitchen knife and ran outside to his neighbor in their front yard. Standing in front of his neighbor was, The Horror.