Description from original post
(created 2013-08-17 20:02):
The setting is in a remote country house about a half hour drive from the city.
"The Niece"
I opened the door to my mothero s room with a baseball bat in my hands; I tiptoed up to the bed and raised it over my head. And brought it down as hard as I could, again, again, and again. The first few tries were like trying to break open an egg with one hand. When I was done, I looked over my finished work and thought to myself o So thato s what blood and brains looks like splattered over a pillowo ¦ Ito so ¦.so prettyo
Two days past. I couldn't leave the house to get to the store, I don't know how to drive. My stomach was growling and twisted in knots of pain. There was no food left in the house. Then I remembered the garbage bag! I could barely pick myself up from the couch to get to the kitchen. o I have to eat something, anything, even if itso ¦.o I reached for the garbage bag sitting in the middle of the floor, and hauled it over to the knife draw with the measly strength I had left.
"The Aunt"
Ito s been 3 days since my sister was supposed to call me; I haveno t seen or talked to her in months! I left her a bunch of voice mails but she still hasn't called me back. Getting kind of worried and tired of waiting I turned off the TV, walked to the front door grabbed my coat off the rack and my purse, and hurried to my car.
About 3 hours of driving later I pulled up to the front of her houseo Strange, her car is still here and ito s working hours. She never misses a day of work.o As I got out of my car I noticed that all the windows were closed; that's when I knew something sketchy was up.
I snuck up to the back door and pried it open, something heavy was blocking it. I kicked the door open with a crack and this horrible rotting smell followed. o Sarah!! Are you here?!o No answer. Except for the echo of the door banging open and something sliding. There was a lumpy garbage bag on the floor about 3 feet away, thato s probably what was blocking the door. I walked up to it and gently nudged it with my foot. o Holy shit that felt like ao ¦.o I smothered my scream with both my hands and backed away with my eyes wide open. Chewing on my lip, I gathered my courage and crept closer, the smell was unbearable. I opened the crinkling garbage bag and peeked inside; my sistero s bloody face was staring right back at me. All that was left of her were these bloody stumps for legs and her upper torso. I screamed and screamed while backing away as fast the shock would allow me. As I was backing away I saw a hand twitch out of the corner of my eye, my niece was lying in a puddle of blood and puke behind the kitchen island; a blood bath. I ran out the back door as fast as I could, as I was running out I heard small steps running after me; the slap of bare feet following me. I got to my car, slammed the door shut, and stomped on the gas, backwards down the drive way as fast as I could.
I woke up gasping for breath, it was just a dream. "Thank God I don't have a sister much less a niece." I thought to myself. My eyes still crusty with sleep, I noticed a shadow of a girl in my doorway, and I looked up and saw my "niece" with a baseball bat in her hands.