Its been 10 years sense this creature escaped, and now we are sure its coming back, we should have killed it while we could. It all started when the company SFBU (Science For the Better of Us) created its baby clone, the idea of the SFBU was to manufacture babies, so mothers wouldn't have to go through the stress of childbirth. The first 16 baby's produced were a success, the lucky mothers were proud of there newborns, that developed fine, no deforms. After the success of the 1st batch, SFBU decided to do a 2nd batch, which ended up horrifyingly wrong. Ubs17 was the first of the 16 others that were meant to come, but didn't. Ubs17 was disgusting, its eyes were bloodshot and pushed to the back of the head and its mouth as big as its face, covering up the nose. Its back head was exposed, showing its brain, in shock the doctors screamed and ran from the room. The engineers rushed to the president of SFBU's office and told him to come down to the labs at once. The president said it was sabotage, and usb17 must be killed at once. The scientists couldn't bring themselves to do it though, so they drilled a glass dome on the back of its head, the baby seemed to be ok though, he didn't act strange and he seemed to be fine, aside from his looks. They doctors took good care of it for a month, but on 13 of June, he was gone, they doctors looked everywhere but to now avail. They baby while they weren't watching him learned how the humans speak and walk and copied there moves. The only words and meanings he new was the kill, the president had accidentally tout the baby how to kill, with only 1 word! Usb17 meanwhile was crawling through the air ducts, towards the presidents office, the baby crawled out of the air duct and into the office the president shrieked when he saw the baby coming for him, usb17 jumped at the president of SFBU and bit him with his sharp teeth, killing him. After that usb17 went on a rampage in the facility, the guards tried shooting him but it only absorbed the bullets into its skin, on bullet hit the glass on its head and went into usb17's brain, damaging him, it scampered of into the woods before it could do anymore damage, but we still no its coming.