Description from original post
(created 2013-05-21 15:24):

Deep under the ice of Antarctica, in a chilled dark system of caverns, a mysterious, never seen before creature was discovered. the rumors of such a beast have long been told, but never has anyone been able to prove the existence of the fabled monster.
No one thought the story held any truth, and it was considered an "old wives' tale". But the story of a beast with teeth so many and so large, muscles stronger than the strongest of men, frozen deep in the ice, was used to inspire children, with the mystery of the world, and the unseen possibilities that behold them in their futures.
The story had been told generation after generation, until one day scientific evidence that supported the possibility of such a species to exist, was found. this discovery fueled the fiery call to search and discover the fabled being that they had been told of during their childhood years. and before long it was found. deep DEEP in a teeth grittingly cold cavern, the carcase was found.
- Comment with what you think the newly discovered species should be called!
- If you can guess the inspiration for this skin, post it in the comments! (no reading comments/ looking at the "inspiration" spoiler, or you'll wreck the fun!
- And don't forget to DIAMOND, if you liked it ;)
technical details:This unclassified specimen, had skin thicker than whale blubber, and as many teeth as a great a great white! this enormous beast, the only of it's kind, was believed to have been a carnivore of the fiercest kind, it was believed to prey on animals much larger than itself, and live inside it's carcase as a temporary home. no evidence strong enough to support such a claim have been found, but many animals of different kinds have been found to have bizarre wounds, that are left unexplained. that is unless the story is true.