Description from original post
(created 2013-02-19 18:43):
This is my entry for the skin contest, I have remove my old one.
I used this as my reference image:

His story:
On a cold winter morning of January 793, Oleg and his fellow warriors docked along the coast of Northumbria. Quietly, Oleg and the other warriors crept through the woods, after noticing a small village they turned off of their planned route in order to circle round the village and pillage what they could from it. Just 20 minutes passed and the village was just a small, smouldering pile of wood, ash and human corpse. All food and animals had been taken to help feed the Vikings on the invasion of England. Oleg was assigned with the task of locating points of strategic interest, taking them and keeping the strongholds until further reinforcements could arrive, often this could take some weeks, so a supply of food had to be maintained. Thankfully Oleg and his men were not afraid to go out and take what they wanted from the inhabitants of the local villages.
After Oleg's 8th captured stronghold, there was an abnormally long period of time from the time Oleg sent a messenger to say that the stronghold had been captured his superiors and reinforcements arriving. Worse things had happened to Oleg during his invasion quest, so he thought nothing of it.Three extra weeks had past, seven weeks since he sent for reinforcements and nothing had arrived. Oleg knew there was something wrong. He decided to go out himself, along with eight of his finest warriors to get the reinforcements. After only two hours walking Oleg found his answer, his messenger had never made it past what stood in front of him. A wall of 300 local men, a small uprising had started throughout the near-by villages. These 300 men did not want to reason with Oleg, they wanted justice for what Oleg and the other Viking invaders had done to so many Englishmen. Oleg put up a good fight taking the lives of at least 28 Englishmen, but ultimately the numbers that the small English uprising had were too many for Oleg and his men to stand, the perished, just as so many other Englishmen and Vikings did on that day.
You can read about Vikings here and here.

I hope you like my skin, if you do, please give it a diamond. Thank you :)
This was drawn by That_Guy2000 and put in his art blog. Many thanks to him.