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(created 2013-10-02 05:35):
Captain Belwerk's Voice Log
Log, 6. September 2560:
We are finaly coming to our target, after weeks of traveling. Ahh, a new planet to explore, finaly geting of this piece of space junk to do something usefull. This is the third planet this year, and there even looks to be plant life on it! Think about all the new species we may discover, and maybe life to if we are lucky.
Log 7. September 2560:
Ok, we are all set up for landing, Jimmy finaly found a good spot to land in that jungle. Atlast we can get this operation up and running. We also detected signs of life down there, or in fact, loads of it. The institute og Exploration is going to love this, finaly my chance to shine.
Log 8. September 2560:
W-we have finaly landed... But this is no jungle, it's a city covered in green lights and steel buildings. I got a bad feeling about this place, we already tryed to contact them but with no luck. We should just hope for the best i gue...
A projectile hit's the ship, blowing a giant hole in it's side. The ship, now falling from the heavens, smashes into the ground. Most of the crew died instantly, if they were so lucky. Captain Belwerk was one of them who wasn't so lucky. Crawling out of the wreckage of his ship, only to be meet by men in suits of a radiant green matal. Puting a gun to his head, and pressing the trigger...
This is the first (For a contest at least) skin I have made. I loved to make a backstory for it and the making and designing was loads of fun to do. Even then, I have not experimentet so much with my other skins (The one i use myself) and feel this is something I could have loads of fun doing in later Contests.
Now for the skin, i had much more truble than i first intended. I wanted to have an ''Reinforced'' look to it, something that proved harder than i expected. Second, that jetpack (If you even notice it) was so hard to blend out from the rest of the skin. Last but not least the glove... Just look at the botom of that xD
Feel free to Diamond, Comment or Subscribe this if you like my work, as it helps me in the future :)