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(created 2013-08-05 11:47):
More colors!
Zazelf the Goddess of the Elves. This is my entry for The Gods & Goddesses Contest for PMC :D
Enjoy the skin Below is my backstory
This skin took a lot of head-aches and pain. I had to re-invent me skinning style. Thank you for checking this out though. :D
Zazelf was once a fair maiden with golden locks that curled down her head and body. Given a choice by the gods for her actions in the battle of HarisFort providing superb healing and kindness to the wounded warriors of the battle. Zazelf herself had even stepped forth into battle for 5 long nights when all the warriors of the kingdom were tired and needed rest. She was known for her agility and her peculiar shaped ears almost as if she were an elf. She fought valiantly but in the end was captured by the enemy and taken to their Kingdom. For these enemies were elves they saw her ears as soon as the next night previous to the night she was captured. Zazelf had her hair dyed a dense green. Her hair thick, curly, and long she became known as the Elf Queen, Goddess if you will. The gods had noticed her pure thoughts and her actions from the battle and offered her the choice of becoming a god. Zazelf was not an elf truly. A sorceress had enchanted Zazelf with a forbidden magic said to enhance the agility by great measures. At the cost of pointy ears and the appearance of an elf. Zazelf had taken this offer from the gods and was crowned The Goddess of all Elves. To this day nobody except Zazelf and the sorceress know that she is not an actual elf..
Zazelf still roams the country side seeking battle..
~The End
That's my backstory. Wasn't sure if we needed one but I decided to add one just in case. Anyways I enjoyed writing that. Good luck to all whom entered the contest. Thou who shall not perish and come out in victory I cannot say.
(Haters gonna hate)