1.8 Skin tutorial - How to make skins with the new skin system from 14w03b
1.8 Skin tutorial - How to make skins with the new skin system from 14w03b
by Zapper49
Description from original post
(created 2014-01-17 17:49):
Hello, I am Zapper49!
Like much players, I like to try the newest snapshots and find out what Minecraft brings in the future.
I saw on Youtube.com, Mojang.com and the Minecraft Wiki that the skins will have huge changes.
I really liked it and wanna start designing skins with this options.
So I went to Google to find an example of the new skins.
I saw some images, but not full toturials where everything is explained.
So I looked a bit in the minecraft.jar, and saw the steve.png.
It was new, so I started trying finding out wich place on the skin file is where in the player model.
With the help of internet, I made a skin.
Now, I also searched for tutorials.
I didn't find them, so I decided to create one.
It was been a long time ago when I posted something at the Minecraftforum.net.
But here it is!
PS. My main language is not English. If there are any spelling mistakes or grammar faults, please send my a message!
The names of the body parts are written in the image.
Light colors are the first layers, dark colors the second layers.
rLEG-L1 means "Right Leg Layer 1"
BODY-L2 means "Body Layer 2"
and so on...
Light-Red: Layer 1 of the Head
Dark-Red: Layer 2 of the Head (aka "Helmet" or "Hat")
Light-Green: Layer 1 of the legs
Dark-Green: Layer 2 of the legs (aka "Pants")
Light-Yellow: Layer 1 of the body
Dark-Yellow: Layer 2 of the body (aka "Jacket")
Light-Blue: Layer 1 of the arms
Dark-Blue: Layer 2 of the arms (aka "Sleeves")
Important to know:Layer 1 must be filled/textured. Layer 2 is optional and can be transparent.
Left and right and front and back difference explained::
I have experimented a bit with the left and right and front and back side issues.
To let you guys easy understand it, I used this skin and maked screenshots:
Note: the first and second layer are the same colors/positions.
The right arms and legs have a dot with 3 pixels black and 1 gray pixel. The left arms and legs have a stripe with 1 black pixel and 1 gray pixel.
The front: (yellow)
The back: (blue)
The right side: (red)
The left side: (green)
Another suggestion by Goteer10:
Hey, another important note: The left bits have to be made mirrored, also, the mapping is different on the said bits.For example, what's the front on the right arm, is the back on the left arm. Check it on the steve.png (I had a hard time trying to figure this out on my own, seriously)I'm gonna link this post to some people
Also, you should get some example skins, I'll give you mine.
Very nice video by Docm77 with everything explained:
By the way, thanks for 10 000 vieuws! (23-01-2014)
I am thinking about making a post with skins I made for everyone, so if they can't make one themselves, they have some examples or so... Somebody interested if i do that? React to this post if u want it.