Regular/MPM template:
(Colour #s cannot be 000000 or FFFFFF, those colours don't work with my current shading technique. If you want black or white, use 252525 and E6E6E6 instead, respectively)
Facial Hair:
Normal Hair:
Hair colour: [Hair colour hex triplet]
Eye colour: [Eye colour hex triplet]
Skin/Fur colour: [Skin/Fur colour hex triplet]
If applicable:
Shirt colour: [Shirt colour hex triplet]
Trousers colour: [Trousers colour hex triplet]
Shoe colour: [Shoe colour hex triplet]
Congratulations, you read everything! You are now enabled to request from my shop! Have a good day!
For MineLP skins
For MineLP models:
Species (Earth, Pegasus, Unicorn, Combo Package):
Mane colour, format of #RRGGBB:
Mane style (Prefer a picture, but text will do):
Coat colour, format of #RRGGBB::
Eye colour, format of #RRGGBB::
Extras (Clothing, belts, et cetera, prefer a picture, can have more than one thing here):
Talent mark (What? It retains my masculinity!):