Day 1 - November 3, 2008
Okay I want to really reach the clouds, I know I can go throught a spaceship and everything, but I need to do it in a new exciting way! But first I need to raise my funds to be able to even start this journey.
Day 87 - July 27, 2009
Well now I have reached the funds to reach the clouds, I have made rocket boots, a air tank, and a face mask, they are all made of copper and iron! I really hope this journey will be good!
Day 89 - July 30, 2009
Okay I am going to start my mission to the clouds, this will be a scary venture, so I need to be careful,
and I am going to start on my journey by plane first then I will jump out of the plane, fly with my rocket boots, and stay on the clouds and maybe even start building a house, I just hope my plan works!
Day 90 - August 1, 2009
Okay i'm getting on the plane right now, I am ready for this big mission, it's going to be tough but worth it, everybody is counting on me I hope to to this mission, and it's a big step for me, and my family, because I didn't mention, my family is poor so a big part of this was to buy my family what they need, food, water, shelter (better shelter), and clothing. and this will be the next big thing.
Day 92 - August 3, 2009
Now I am up in the clouds, the plan has worked but one big problem, I never thought of how I would get down, so I am pretty much trapped up here untill I figure out a way to get down to the ground, but for now, I should make a camp ground, atleast I brought some supplies the start a camp ground on these clouds.....
Day 169 - January 7th - 2010
Help... I am being attacked by griffins, this is the day I will die, this was never a good idea, I need help, please, help..... this is horrible, a horrible, horrible idea, help..... Goodbye.
LIttle Jimmy found this journal and thought to himself what will I do when I grow up? Ha! I'll go and live on the clouds.
That was a terrible terrible idea.